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In the News!

Ever present on the local scene, Total Woman has long been involved in the local community and media. Known for her knowledge and expertise, Leigh Pozas owner of TW FitZone, is a popular “go-to” girl by local media and is often called upon for opinion or demonstration in all areas of fitness and nutrition.

-Leigh Pozas

2013 Bakersfield Women's Business Conference

-Leigh Pozas & Suzette Miller

2014 Bakersfield Women's

Business Conference

2014 Bakersfield Women's

Business Conference Commitee

2015 Bakersfield Women's Business Conference

Olympic Swimmer Dara Torres will be the Keynote Speaker for the 2015 Bakersfield Women's Business Conference. The announcement was officially made this afternoon at a press conference at Total Woman Fitness. This year's theme is "Strength of a Woman" and we feel Dara embodies all aspects of a woman's strength, from physical to emotional. We hope you will join us on September 24th!


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Fitness Studios for Women
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