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Club Features and Services

Fitness Studios for Women

Gravity Zone

GRAVITY FitZone is exclusive to TW FitZone. This is an amazing and effective form of exercise, set to music and done in a group setting; although, individual training is available with a trainer. GRAVITY is done on a commercial version of the familiar Total Gym, made famous by Chuck Norris and Christi Brinkley.  But don’t be fooled by the informercial!  This industrial strength Total Gym is beyond description and must be experienced to be understood.  Each and every exercise, of which there are hundreds, involves working the core.  So even when the arms are being worked, so are the abdominals. It combines strength, cardiovascular, and flexibility into one action packed workout suitable for EVERY fitness level.  The intensity of the exercise is determined by the height of the machine, therefore all fitness levels, ages, and abilities can work together in the same class and get an individual workout.



Primp Zone

Our locker room at TW FitZone will make you feel like you've entered a spa.  Locker room amenities are provided at no additional charge. For your convenience, we offer free daily locker usage (locks and keys provided), private showers (soap provided), dry sauna, curling irons & hair dryers all while being surrounded by custom tile, granite countertops & marble sinks that give you a very luxurious feeling.



Kid Zone

TW FitZone is happy to provide a licensed on-site child care facility. This allows moms the convenience of childcare without the hassle of finding a babysitter. TW FitZone child care facility is an interactive room where children can play with toys, watch movies, color and play games... all while mom is exercising. The best thing is you are only a room away, not miles. Our Babysitting facility even has a one-way "peek-a-boo" window so you can check on your child at any time but they can't see you.  



On your own Zone

Cardio Theater is provided in our cardio area for your television viewing pleasure. Simply plug in a head set at any piece of cardio equipment and watch television while you are working out.  You can change the channel and control the volume. Cardio Theater is a great way to "pass the time" while you are using cardio equipment. 



Swim Zone

Experience a heated indoor pool all year-round at Total Woman.  The pool is heated to a warm 89 degrees all year and is perfect for aquatic classes, rehabilitation, arthritis, and general exercise. Total Woman offers a variety of aqua fitness classes suitable for every level.  Exercising in the water relieves the joints of any burden or impact.  One can work as intensely or as moderately as they wish and improve general health, strength, cardiovascular fitness, and flexibility without adding stress to the joints.  A variety of pool exercise equipment is provided for you. If you want to try something different, give water exercise a try!

Group Zone

The group exercise room (also known as the “Group Zone”!) at TW FitZone is truly like no other! The raised spring board floor makes all forms of exercise, even jumping, easier on the joints and more fun. The feel is similar to that of a gymnastics floor, but even more giving. The close napped carpet is ideal for all kinds of aerobic and condition classes, eliminating the probability of slipping or falling.There are 40 exciting and motivating classes of all types going on in this action-packed room. Check out the class schedule and descriptions for details. The instructors at Total Woman are beyond good, they are great, experienced, caring, and love their classes and members. They are there to make sure you get the best workout you can and will guide and assist you as needed in any modifications necessary.We offer many Les Mills classes, which are internationally known as the best in the industry. From Body Pump to Body Flow there is something for everyone. Try them out and enjoy the motivating environment that comes with Group Exercise.

Spin Zone

Looking for a non-impact, crazy fun, intense, and effective cardiovascular exercise that does not require any coordination or dancing ability?  Then Spin is for you!  Talk about a ride, this is it.  Join our group of dedicated and experienced instructors for the ride of your life. Experience Spin in our beautiful new spin room on New Free Motion Spin Bikes.  This class will burn off the calories and awaken your spirit like no other.  The music and the instructor will guide you through your journey into fitness heaven.  Take the challenge and spin out of control!


Total Woman FitZone offers the best one hour workout on the planet. FitZone workouts are scientifically designed to help you burn fat and increase endurance, stamina and cardiovascular conditioning. Our fitness coaches lead you through a full-body, high intensity interval workout producing immediate results; strength and a leaner body mass. Experience the zone effect!  FitZone at Total Woman utilizes the MYZONE® Belt  which is a new innovative heart rate based system that uses wireless and cloud technology to accurately and conveniently monitor physical activity. It monitors heart rate, calories and time exercising that converts into MYZONE® Effort Points (MEPs), with a focus on rewarding effort rather than fitness. Let MYZONE® help you stay motivated and provide insight to your exercise.

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