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Tweak a Week #4 -Cabbage

How did your week #3 go friends? Please drop me a note with questions, comments and/or RECIPES!!!! Coming up in week #4-CABBAGE!!! Here's a taste of what you can expect....

This family of vegetables is a true powerhouse of nutrition. The cancer fighting and the anti-inflammatory effects of these veggies make them a much in a healthy eating regime. Each of these can be incorporated into the diet in numerous ways including raw in salads and slaws, cooked, in salads, soups, stews, or lightly sautéed’. Read carefully the details about preparation and cooking. Some nutrients are most available when eaten raw, others when lightly cooked. But in all cases, overcooking, or cooking certain methods can destroy most of the nutrient value.

CABBAGE – Cabbage is in the brassica family, which includes Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Bock Choy, Cauliflower, Chard, and Kohlrabi. In many references it is considered the most important vegetable for nutritional benefits and cancer-fighting ability. Of particular interest to women is its concentration of phytonutrients, especially indole-3-carbinole (I3C) and sulforaphane which has been shown to improve estrogen detoxification and reduce the incidence of breast cancer.

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