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Enjoy the Season, Guilt Free - Part I

The years seem to fly by and once again Christmas is upon us. The Holidays are here, are you ready? The next couple of months are full of parties, food, shopping, gifts and travel. While they are joyous and festive times, they often evoke stress, anxiety and often dreaded weight gain. The average adult expects to gain 5 pounds throughout the holiday season. Co-workers bring goodies to work. Parties are filled with those fattening treats. Food is everywhere. On top of that, our already busy schedules are squeezed even tighter and we have less time for ourselves. It is more difficult to eat properly and fit in exercise; after all, there is a tree to decorate and gifts to wrap!

What if you could avoid putting on the “winter layer”? Each year it is common to gain weight in the winter and then want to shed this winter layer in the spring. But each year it becomes harder and harder to lose the extra pounds. Wouldn’t it be nice to make it to spring without dreading looser clothing or getting the bathing suit blues?! It is possible. It just takes a little effort and forethought.

I could tell you how to eat better and avoid those extra calories. But you have probably heard and read that every year. Drink more water, eat low calorie healthy food before going to a party, choose the fresh veggies instead of the cheese ball, etc. I really think we all know that the cheese ball will make us fatter than the broccoli! Avoid too much alcohol, try not to snack, limit the gravy, butter and other sauces; these are very good tips. But what do you do if you want to indulge?

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