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Swimming Upstream

Salmon is a great source of healthy fat for those who are not vegetarians or vegans. When I refer to salmon, I am always referring to Wild Salmon. Farmed Salmon is NOT the same and in this discussion is NOT included. These are two very different animals, literally!

Wild salmon is one of the best sources of Omage-3’s available and is low in calories and saturated fat but high in protein. Salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acids that are good for heart and brain health, inflammation, circulation, blood sugar control and much more. Salmon is one of the few foods that provides both eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Wild salmon is rich in vitamins and minerals and act as powerful antioxidants.

Salmon can be cooked in many ways but cooks quickly and can easily be overcooked and become dry. Generally salmon can be cooked well in about 7 minutes. It can be broiled, poached, sautéed, steamed, or grilled. Salmon is also often eaten raw as sushi.

One of my favorite ways to use salmon is to quickly sauté it in a non-stick pan with lemon pepper until lightly cooked. Then use it in a vegetable combination omelet.

Wild salmon can also be bought in a can or pouch like tuna and is actually quite good and nutritious, as well as incredibly convenient.

Other cold water fish are also excellent sources of the above nutrients. We don’t use them that much in our diet; but try incorporating some sardines or even anchovies every now and then. You never know, you may just like them!

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