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What to do with all this Dried Fruit?

Recipe Time! Carrot Raisin Salad

2-3 Carrots shredded

½ Cup Raisins

½ Cup Pineapple (preferably fresh)

Vinaigrette Dressing to taste (below)

Vinaigrette Dressing

3 TBL Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 TBL Fresh Lemon Juice and/or Balsamic Vinegar

Sea Salt & Pepper to taste

Combine Lemon Juice and/or Balsamic Vinegar, salt, and pepper, then whisk in or blend in the olive oil a little at a time.

Healthy variations to change it up a little, add any of the following:

1 tsp of Dijon Mustard, a few drops of tamari or Braggs Liquid Amino Acids, ½ tsp grated ginger, parsley, chives, fresh garlic, basil or Italian herb mixture. If you want to make it creamy add just a little plain Greek Yogurt or Unsweetened Almond Milk.

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