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Quinoa Shake

I am not a big fan of grains, as a matter of fact I will be sending out a post entitled "Going Against the Grain". But I really do love this Overnight Quinoa Recipe. It turns out a little like tapioca pudding.

The seeds puff up and blend well with the Quinoa which doesn't turn out to taste anything like quinoa!! You can tweak the salt, maple syrup, cinnamon and spices anyway you like.

I like to use it as a snack. Speaking of SNACKS.....several people have asked me about an afternoon snack. I only included a morning snack because I am trying not to promote the "eating every two hours" mantra. But if you feel like you need a snack in the afternoon because of your schedule, workouts or anything else, yes you can. Just KEEP IT REAL!!! Also, if you don't need the morning snack, move it to the afternoon.

Another trick is to add a little more healthy fat to your smoothie in the morning with 1/4-1/2 Avocado, tsp of Olive, Flax, or Coconut oil, walnuts or other nuts or seeds. It is the healthy fat that will help keep you full longer. That is one reason I like to use Bone Broth Protein instead of Plant Based Protein (which is also good). The Bone Broth seems to make the smoothie more filling and last longer!

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