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Basic Fat Burning Guide

Basic guidelines for Burning Fat instead of Sugar

  • Start off by eliminating completely or vastly reducing all sugar, bread, pasta, grain, and processed foods.

  • Eat Real Whole Food most of the time

  • Don’t be afraid of good fat, Avocados, Nuts, Seeds, Fatty Fish, Coconut, Olives, Organic Butter, Ghee, Red Palm Oil

  • Avoid commercially processed fats like Corn, Vegetable, Corn, Canola, etc.

  • Animal foods should be organic, free-range, grass fed, etc.

  • Portion of animal product at each meal should be limited to about the size of the palm of hand

  • Eat a little earlier at night so that when you go to bed you can get a good 12-13 hours of fasting

  • Breakfast should include some healthy fat and quality protein

  • Try not to eat quite so often, eliminating “grazing” and eating every 2 hours

  • Each meal should include healthy fat, protein, and carbs from vegetable sources rather than grains

  • See sugar for the Devil it is, and refined carbs are no better

  • Replace sandwiches with salads with a variety of ingredients and unprocessed dressings

  • Foods are more than a sum of their parts, eat the whole food when possible

  • Eat both raw and cooked food, but don’t cook it to death

  • Avoid use of microwave and opt for steamed, sautéed, baked, broiled, slow cooked, pressure cooked methods

  • When purchasing processed foods, look at ingredients and try to eat foods that are the ingredients instead of containing ingredients

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