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The Grapefruit Diet!

Grapefruit are well noted for their role in health and weight control. Who doesn’t think of “The Grapefruit Diet” when thinking of grapefruit? Grapefruits are quite healthy in the way that oranges are, but the jury is out on the magical weight loss properties. Grapefruit are great sources of vitamin C and A which are powerful antioxidants and support the immune system. The pink grapefruit contains lycopene, a carotenoid phytonutrient which protects against free-radical damage.

Grapefruit Sunrise

Juice of 2 Grapefruit

Juice of 4 Oranges

1 Cup fresh or frozen strawberries

2 tsp honey

Sections from 1 Grapefruit

½ cup sliced strawberries

Place first 4 ingredients in blender until smooth, add ice if desired for a thicker texture

Top with grapefruit sections and strawberry slices.

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