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Building a Body Reserve

Building an Alkaline Reserve (like a bank account for the body)

The line of defense for the body against dietary acid is to have an alkaline reserve. The dietary reserve is made up of the minerals sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium. These are derived from fruits and vegetables, not table salt. The body uses these minerals to buffer or neutralize dietary acid. The primary mineral used of these is sodium (again not table salt). It is stored in the liver and muscles to be ready for use. This supply is not unlimited, and if not replenished it will be depleted and the body will have to draw on other minerals like calcium to buffer the acid. It will take this from your bones and teeth if necessary.

The reserve is like having money in the bank. You can spend it, but if you don’t replenish it, eventually the account will be empty and there is nothing left to spend.

Summary: Fruits and vegetables build up your Alkaline Reserve (pad your bank account). High-protein, meat, poultry, fish, dairy, grains, processed foods, etc. drain your reserve (empty your bank account). You want to eat more fruits and vegetables so you can enjoy the “other” foods that you eat without negatively affecting your health.

What about Roughage?

Ash is a metabolic residue that is left after digestion. The residue from what we call roughage passes right through the body and is never “taken in” or digested. The cellulose in fruits and vegetables is never digested, but goes straight through the bowels.

What about what we learned growing up? 4 food groups? Pyramid?

Well, life is a journey of learning and change. Think about the four basic food groups that many of us grew up with.

1) Meats, Poultry, Fish Very acid forming

2) Dairy Products, Eggs Acid forming

3) Cereals, Grains Acid forming

4) Fruits, Vegetables Alkaline forming

What’s wrong with this picture? 3 of the four groups are acid forming!! Fruits and vegetables were lumped into one category. No wonder most Americans eat less than 20% from whole food fruits and vegetables.

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